Marathon Training Schedule - Advanced Level

Week  #  7



Marathon Training Tip Of The Week: - Speedwork?

There is no doubt that speedwork training can improve your running performance - but do you need to include this as part of your marathon training program? My advice to the 'average' or beginner marathon runner is not to do too much formal speedwork (the occasional race is OK) during your training because the risk of an injury is greatly increased.

I know that some people, especially the faster runners, will disagree - so ultimately it's your choice!




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Marathon Training Schedule: Week 7

The theme of week 7 training is ramping up your workouts as we head into the peak part of the program. The training tips focus on the recovery process and things you can do to avoid injury.




Advanced Level: Week 7 Mileage Chart

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Total Miles
8 T 6 S 8 HL 10 E Rest 14 L 6 E 52

E - Easy Pace; HD - Hard Pace; HL - Hills; L - Long Slow Run; M - Marathon Pace; T - Tempo


The base building period is over and now it is time to start building towards the peak. It is also time to think about things like getting enough rest and sorting out the demands on your time from not only the running program, but work and family too. Do not neglect the importance of the aforementioned. Stress management in all its aspects, must be addressed.

Below are the suggested day-by-day training goals for this week's training. Don't worry if you have to miss a day, or make adjustments. This is an 18 week program and you have plenty of time to get back on track.




Week 7 Daily Training Schedule




Day 1:
A tempo run of 8 miles to start a 52 mile week. Light stretch after you finish.

Day 2:
Today the workout will consist of 6 miles (9,700 meters) of speed. Stay focused and hit your times consistently for each distance. If you are with a group, please do NOT try and keep up with the faster ones. You have pre-set your pace for each distance, follow the program.

Day 3:
This is a hills workout of 8 miles. If you wish to switch with day four, please do so but do not forget to stretch after.

Day 4:
Wow, an easy 10 miler, now there is an oxymoron! Please see day three.

Day 5:
Rest day. Stretch lightly and an easy bike ride on trails would be a good plan.

Day 6:
Today is your Long Slow Distance workout scheduled for only 14 miles. Gentle pace please. Hope you have your water bottle and some replenishment products with you.

Day 7:
A recovery run of 6 miles to takes some of the stiffness out of your body. Finish off with a good light stretch, a large orange juice and a warm bath. You deserve it.


Marathon Program Training Tips

  • Following hard training workouts the recovery process is very important. This means focusing on nutrition and rest. A nap after your weekly long run can help the recovery process.

  • Anti-inflammatory agents like Ibuprofen can also help a lot in your recovery. Or try an aspirin before going to bed after your weekly long run. This can help you sleep better. Like any drug though, be prudent about your consumption level and only use them if you have leg pains.



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