Marathon Training Schedule - Advanced Level

Week  #  13



Marathon Training Tip Of The Week: - To Race or Not?

Lots of runners will enter a 5K or 10K race at this point in their training. Now this does help to give you an 'edge' when it comes to the marathon. In effect it's like speed work and provides the same benefits.

The downside is the risk of injury if you push too hard during this race. So if you do participate in a local 10K event, remember - you don't have to go all out.

Find out more in our article Critical Weeks in your Training




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Marathon Training Schedule: Week 13

We are now focusing on the tapering part of the training. The goal is to restore your body to it's peak level while doing sufficient training to get ready for marathon race day.




Advanced Level: Week 13 Mileage Chart

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Total Miles
6 HL 6 E 5 S 10 E Rest 20 L 8 E 55

E - Easy Pace; HD - Hard Pace; HL - Hills; L - Long Slow Run; M - Marathon Pace; S - Speedwork; T - Tempo


The workload for this week begins to get lighter as the Taper part of the program kicks in. Stretching, as you should know by now, is a cornerstone of your training, as it will help keep your muscles in decent shape over the long haul and thus is a key aid (review stretching section again) in your success or lack thereof.

Below are the suggested day-by-day training goals for this week's training. Don't worry if you have to miss a day, or make adjustments. This is an 18 week program and you have plenty of time to get back on track.




Week 13 Daily Training Schedule




Day 1:
Today is a hills workout of 6 miles. A good start to the week. Ensure that your pace delivers a moderate effort at best. Stretch.

Day 2:
An easy paced run of 6 miles only is on the schedule today. This should feel like almost a day off.

Day 3:
A speed workout of 5 miles is scheduled today after a break of several weeks. This is meant to remind you of the importance of pace.

 - After the warm-up, start with a 400, then do one 800 and reach the top of the ladder with one 1600 and back down with another 800 followed by a 400.

 - The rest of the distance may be used for cool down. Also note that instead of jogging between sets, stretch and rest for a maximum of one minute between sets.

Day 4:
An easy 10 miles today. Keep this as an easy day because of your long one this week.

Day 5:
Rest day. You may be ready for it, but do your stretching at least. Carbo Loading type dinner will help you tomorrow.

Day 6:
The LSD run is another 20 miler this week. Consider factoring in a few walking breaks coinciding with your hydration replenishment. Above all keep the pace easy. Time for some comfort food and a warm bath after you have a good light stretching session.

Day 7:
The recovery run is 8 miles easy. Almost goes without saying. Light stretching before, during and after would not hurt.


Marathon Program Training Tips

  • Try to keep a positive attitude as you work your way through the long training miles. It's very easy to feel discouraged at the slightest setback. Training with a friend can really help at this stage.



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