Marathon Training Guide Definitions


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During this program we will be using a lot of common running terminology like tempo run, long slow distance, speed-work etc. For consistency, this page contains a definition of  our understanding of each of these terms.


Easy Run

This is really a contrast to your regular workouts, and is meant as a recovery day. Make sure the terrain is not too challenging for this type of run. You should be running at a relaxed pace, without breathing hard. If you are running with someone you should be able to easily carry on a conversation.


Tempo Run

A Tempo run  consists of a warm-up period at easy pace (1 mile) then pick a pace, say 8 min/mile for the middle 3 miles and finish easy for the last mile of the workout. Generally pick a pace under your marathon pace (30 seconds).  The objective is to increase the length of the workout at pace over the duration of the training program.  This will help you maintain your marathon pace over a longer period of time during the actual event.

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Long Slow Distance

Sometimes known as 'LSD'. This type of run covers a longer distance at a pace slower than your normal training pace.

LSD would be about 1 minute per mile slower than your intended marathon pace.



Hill Work

The Hill Repeats workout should include:

 - the warm-up,

 - the hills repeats; run at a moderate effort up hill (200 to 400 yds), then jog back down.

 - cool down at the end of the workout

Alternatively you can run a suitably hilly course that will give you a good workout. Add a cool down period at the end.



Hard Run

This type of run should take place on a relatively flat area and you should be above your personal comfort level.  The workout should consist of:

 - a warm-up (20% of the total workout),

 - hard run (60%), this will be at your 5 or 10K race pace

 - cool down (20%). 

Stretching is mandatory after run



Speed Work

Speed or Interval Training for a Marathon will take place on a Track or alternately be done on a relatively flat section of trail. It consists of an easy warm-up consisting of stretching lightly after the warm-up (1.5 miles/12 minutes).


The workout is conducted like going up a ladder, reaching the top and coming back down. The cool down will be (1.5 miles/12 minutes). Stretching is optional after each part of the workout, but mandatory after warm-up and cool down.

First, start with two 100 meters/yards runs at chosen pace. Up to 60 seconds faster than your intended marathon pace for all distances.


Run 100 number one at chosen pace; jog back to start;
Run 100 number two at pace; jog back to start; Stretch

Run 200 number one at chosen pace; jog back to start;
Run 200 number two at pace; jog back to start; Stretch

Run 400 at chosen pace; jog back to start;
Run 800 at pace; jog back to start; Stretch
Run 400 at chosen pace; jog back to start;

Run 200 number one at chosen pace; jog back to start;
Run 200 number two at pace; jog back to start; Stretch

Run 100 number one at chosen pace; jog back to start;
Run 100 number two at pace; jog back to start; Stretch